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Storytelling Performance

Storytelling is an interactive human process that both the storyteller and the audience enjoy and through which the story is realized. Performing a story whether it's for children, adults, for large audience or even for an audience of 1 or 2 persons, is an amazing experience for both the teller and the listener.

I personally enjoy listening to story, and may be that's why, I know how the imagination of a listener get built and how I can enhance this process and make it an exceptional experience

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 Storytelling Workshops

Storytelling is a very ancient art, as it is one of the oldest arts known to man. It is also an ancient art known to the Egyptian person and rooted in his conscience. We Egyptians know the art of storytelling from early times, whether through drawing our history on the walls of temples or the tour of the Rubabah Storyteller who tells us the legends of Abu Zaid al-Hilali. Therefore, I chose to train everyone interested in the art of storytelling in a smooth and organized way, because I believe that reviving the art of storytelling is part of reviving the Arab and Middle Eastern cultural heritage. We all tell stories in one way or another, and we all have the ability to learn and develop our storytelling skills.

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Storytelling Coaching

Coaching storytellers to tell stories and discover their true potential. Through out my work, I discovered, that sometimes writers or storytellers need someone to coach them to prepare for their storytelling performance. 

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 Storytelling for Business

As human beings; we always long to communicate, to tell our stories. Stories has been part of our human experience, starting from cave men craving their hunting stories on walls to today’s oral and written stories. All we do is either to tell stories or listen to stories; even in everyday life; in friends chitchat, in movies, songs and even news; stories are everywhere. And It is not a coincidence that we discovers the power of the story and Storytelling as they are very strong tools to communicate but to influence and inspire others.

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